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 * A fork of Backbone Query...
 * Backbone Query - A lightweight query API for Backbone Collections
 * (c)2012 - Dave Tonge
 * May be freely distributed according to MIT license.
 * https://github.com/davidgtonge/backbone_query
 * (c)2015-present Michael Leahy
 * https://github.com/typhonjs/typhonjs-core-backbone-query

'use strict';

import _ from 'underscore';

 * BackboneQuery -- Provides client side sorting based on a query API.
 * -------------
 * Forked from https://github.com/davidgtonge/backbone_query
 * A lightweight (3KB minified) utility for Backbone projects, that works in the Browser and on the Server. Adds the
 * ability to search for models with a Query API similar to MongoDB.
 * The huge benefit of using BackboneQuery is that queries can be stored as JSON.
 * Usage
 * -----
 * The major difference of this implementation is that the API is not attached to a collection, but can be run against
 * any collection by invoking the methods with a target collection.
 * Find
 * -----
 * **_ $equal _**
 * Performs a strict equality test using ===. If no operator is provided and the query value isn't a regex then `$equal`
 * is assumed.
 * If the attribute in the model is an array then the query value is searched for in the array in the same way as
 * `$contains`.
 * If the query value is an object (including array) then a deep comparison is performed using underscores `_.isEqual`.
 * ** Example: **
 * ```
 * BackboneQuery.find(collection, { title: "Test" });
 * // Returns all models which have a "title" attribute of "Test"
 * BackboneQuery.find(collection, { title: { $equal: "Test" } }); // Same as above
 * BackboneQuery.find(collection, { colors: "red" });
 * // Returns models which contain the value "red" in a "colors" attribute that is an array.
 * BackboneQuery.find(collection, { colors: ["red", "yellow"] });
 * // Returns models which contain a colors attribute with the array ["red", "yellow"]
 * ```
 * **_ $contains _**
 * Assumes that the model property is an array and searches for the query value in the array.
 * ** Example: **
 * ```
 * BackboneQuery.find(collection, { colors: { $contains: "red" } });
 * // Returns models which contain the value "red" in a "colors" attribute that is an array.
 * e.g. a model with this attribute colors:["red", "yellow", "blue"] would be returned.
 * ```
 * **_ $ne _**
 * "Not equal", the opposite of $equal, returns all models which don't have the query value
 * ** Example: **
 * ```
 * BackboneQuery.find(collection, { title: { $ne: "Test" } });
 * // Returns all models which don't have a "title" attribute of "Test"
 * ```
 * **_ $lt, $lte, $gt, $gte _**
 * These conditional operators can be used for greater than and less than comparisons in queries
 * ** Example: **
 * ```
 * BackboneQuery.find(collection, { likes: { $lt:10 } });
 * // Returns all models which have a "likes" attribute of less than 10
 * BackboneQuery.find(collection, { likes: { $lte:10 } });
 * // Returns all models which have a "likes" attribute of less than or equal to 10
 * BackboneQuery.find(collection, { likes: { $gt:10 } });
 * // Returns all models which have a "likes" attribute of greater than 10
 * BackboneQuery.find(collection, { likes: { $gte:10 } });
 * // Returns all models which have a "likes" attribute of greater than or equal to 10
 * ```
 * **_ $between _**
 * To check if a value is in-between 2 query values use the $between operator and supply an array with the min and max
 * value.
 * ** Example: **
 * ```
 * BackboneQuery.find(collection, { likes: { $between: [5, 15] } });
 * // Returns all models which have a "likes" attribute of greater than 5 and less then 15
 * ```
 * **_ $in _**
 * An array of possible values can be supplied using $in, a model will be returned if any of the supplied values is
 * matched.
 * ** Example: **
 * ```
 * BackboneQuery.find(collection, { title: { $in: ["About", "Home", "Contact"] } });
 * // Returns all models which have a title attribute of either "About", "Home", or "Contact"
 * ```
 * **_ $nin _**
 * "Not in", the opposite of $in. A model will be returned if none of the supplied values is matched.
 * ** Example: **
 * ```
 * BackboneQuery.find(collection, { title: { $nin: ["About", "Home", "Contact"] } });
 * // Returns all models which don't have a title attribute of either "About", "Home", or "Contact"
 * ```
 * **_ $all _**
 * Assumes the model property is an array and only returns models where all supplied values are matched.
 * ** Example: **
 * ```
 * BackboneQuery.find(collection, { colors: { $all: ["red", "yellow"] } });
 * // Returns all models which have "red" and "yellow" in their colors attribute.
 * // A model with the attribute colors:["red","yellow","blue"] would be returned.
 * // But a model with the attribute colors:["red","blue"] would not be returned.
 * ```
 * **_ $any _**
 * Assumes the model property is an array and returns models where any of the supplied values are matched.
 * ** Example: **
 * ```
 * BackboneQuery.find(collection, { colors: { $any: ["red", "yellow"] } });
 * // Returns models which have either "red" or "yellow" in their colors attribute.
 * ```
 * **_ $size _**
 * Assumes the model property has a length (i.e. is either an array or a string). Only returns models the model
 * property's length matches the supplied values.
 * ** Example: **
 * ```
 * BackboneQuery.find(collection, { colors: { $size:2 } });
 * // Returns all models which 2 values in the colors attribute
 * ```
 * $exists or $has
 * Checks for the existence of an attribute. Can be supplied either true or false.
 * Example:
 * BackboneQuery.find(collection, { title: { $exists: true } });
 * // Returns all models which have a "title" attribute
 * BackboneQuery.find(collection, { title: { $has: false } });
 * // Returns all models which don't have a "title" attribute
 * $like
 * Assumes the model attribute is a string and checks if the supplied query value is a substring of the property.
 * Uses indexOf rather than regex for performance reasons.
 * Example:
 * BackboneQuery.find(collection, { title: { $like: "Test" } });
 * //Returns all models which have a "title" attribute that
 * //contains the string "Test", e.g. "Testing", "Tests", "Test", etc.
 * $likeI
 * The same as above but performs a case insensitive search using indexOf and toLowerCase (still faster than Regex).
 * Example:
 * BackboneQuery.find(collection, { title: { $likeI: "Test" } });
 * //Returns all models which have a "title" attribute that
 * //contains the string "Test", "test", "tEst","tesT", etc.
 * $regex
 * Checks if the model attribute matches the supplied regular expression. The regex query can be supplied without
 * the `$regex` keyword.
 * Example:
 * BackboneQuery.find(collection, { content: { $regex: /coffeescript/gi } });
 * // Checks for a regex match in the content attribute
 * BackboneQuery.find(collection, { content: /coffeescript/gi });
 * // Same as above
 * $cb
 * A callback function can be supplied as a test. The callback will receive the attribute and should return either
 * true or false. `this` will be set to the current model, this can help with tests against computed properties.
 * Example:
 * BackboneQuery.find(collection, { title: { $cb: function(attr){ return attr.charAt(0) === "c"; } } });
 * // Returns all models that have a title attribute that starts with "c"
 * BackboneQuery.find(collection, { computed_test: { $cb: function(){ return this.computed_property() > 10; } } });
 * // Returns all models where the computed_property method returns a value greater than 10.
 * For callbacks that use `this` rather than the model attribute, the key name supplied is arbitrary and has no
 * effect on the results. If the only test you were performing was like the above test it would make more sense to
 * simply use `Collection.filter`. However if you are performing other tests or are using the
 * paging / sorting / caching options of backbone query, then this functionality is useful.
 * $elemMatch
 * This operator allows you to perform queries in nested arrays similar to MongoDB For example you may have a
 * collection of models in with this kind of data structure:
 * Example:
 * let posts = new Collection([
 *    {title: "Home", comments:[
 *       {text:"I like this post"},
 *       {text:"I love this post"},
 *       {text:"I hate this post"}
 *    ]},
 *    {title: "About", comments:[
 *       {text:"I like this page"},
 *       {text:"I love this page"},
 *       {text:"I really like this page"}
 *    ]}
 * ]);
 * To search for posts which have the text "really" in any of the comments you could search like this:
 * BackboneQuery.find(posts, {
 *    comments: {
 *       $elemMatch: {
 *          text: /really/i
 *       }
 *    }
 * });
 * All of the operators above can be performed on `$elemMatch` queries, e.g. `$all`, `$size` or `$lt`. `$elemMatch`
 * queries also accept compound operators, for example this query searches for all posts that have at least one
 * comment without the word "really" and with the word "totally".
 * BackboneQuery.find(posts, {
 *    comments: {
 *       $elemMatch: {
 *          $not: {
 *             text: /really/i
 *          },
 *          $and: {
 *             text: /totally/i
 *          }
 *       }
 *    }
 * });
 * $computed
 * This operator allows you to perform queries on computed properties. For example you may want to perform a query
 * for a persons full name, even though the first and last name are stored separately in your db / model. For
 * example:
 * Example:
 * class TestModel extends Backbone.Model {
 *    full_name() {
 *       return (this.get('first_name')) + " " + (this.get('last_name'));
 *    }
 * });
 * let a = new TestModel({
 *    first_name: "Dave",
 *    last_name: "Tonge"
 * });
 * let b = new TestModel({
 *    first_name: "John",
 *    last_name: "Smith"
 * });
 * let collection = new Collection([a, b]);
 * BackboneQuery.find(collection, { full_name: { $computed: "Dave Tonge" } });
 * // Returns the model with the computed `full_name` equal to Dave Tonge
 * BackboneQuery.find(collection, { full_name: { $computed: { $likeI: "john smi" } } });
 * // Any of the previous operators can be used (including elemMatch is required)
 * Combined Queries
 * ----------------
 * Multiple queries can be combined together. By default all supplied queries use the `$and` operator. However it is
 * possible to specify either `$or`, `$nor`, `$not` to implement alternate logic.
 * $and
 * BackboneQuery.find(collection, { $and: { title: { $like: "News" }, likes: { $gt: 10 }}});
 * // Returns all models that contain "News" in the title and have more than 10 likes.
 * BackboneQuery.find(collection, { title: { $like: "News" }, likes: { $gt: 10 } });
 * // Same as above as $and is assumed if not supplied
 * $or
 * BackboneQuery.find(collection, { $or: { title: { $like: "News" }, likes: { $gt: 10 } } });
 * // Returns all models that contain "News" in the title OR have more than 10 likes.
 * $nor
 * The opposite of `$or`
 * BackboneQuery.find(collection, { $nor: { title: { $like: "News" }, likes: { $gt: 10 } } });
 * // Returns all models that don't contain "News" in the title NOR have more than 10 likes.
 * $not
 * The opposite of `$and`
 * BackboneQuery.find(collection, { $not: { title: { $like: "News" }, likes: { $gt: 10 } } });
 * // Returns all models that don't contain "News" in the title AND DON'T have more than 10 likes.
 * If you need to perform multiple queries on the same key, then you can supply the query as an array:
 * BackboneQuery.find(collection, {
 *    $or:[
 *       {title:"News"},
 *       {title:"About"}
 *    ]
 * });
 * // Returns all models with the title "News" or "About".
 * Compound Queries
 * ----------------
 * It is possible to use multiple combined queries, for example searching for models that have a specific title
 * attribute, and either a category of "abc" or a tag of "xyz".
 * BackboneQuery.find(collection, {
 *    $and: { title: { $like: "News" } },
 *    $or: {likes: { $gt: 10 }, color: { $contains:"red" } }
 * });
 * //Returns models that have "News" in their title and either have more than 10 likes or contain the color red.
 * Sorting
 * -------
 * Optional `sortBy` and `order` attributes can be supplied as part of an options object. `sortBy` can either be a
 * model key or a callback function which will be called with each model in the array.
 * BackboneQuery.find(collection, { title: { $like: "News" } }, { sortBy: "likes" });
 * // Returns all models that contain "News" in the title, sorted according to their "likes" attribute (ascending)
 * BackboneQuery.find(collection, { title: { $like: "News" } }, { sortBy: "likes", order: "desc" });
 * // Same as above, but "descending"
 * BackboneQuery.find(collection,
 *    { title: { $like: "News" } },
 *    { sortBy: function(model){ return model.get("title").charAt(1); } }
 * );
 * // Results sorted according to 2nd character of the title attribute
 * Paging
 * ------
 * To return only a subset of the results paging properties can be supplied as part of an options object. A limit
 * property must be supplied and optionally a offset or a page property can be supplied.
 * BackboneQuery.find(collection, { likes:{ $gt: 10 } }, { limit: 10 });
 * // Returns the first 10 models that have more than 10 likes.
 * BackboneQuery.find(collection, { likes:{ $gt: 10 } }, { limit: 10, offset: 5 });
 * // Returns 10 models that have more than 10 likes starting at the 6th model in the results.
 * BackboneQuery.find(collection, { likes: { $gt: 10 } }, { limit: 10, page: 2 });
 * // Returns 10 models that have more than 10 likes starting at the 11th model in the results (page 2).
 * When using the paging functionality, you will normally need to know the number of pages so that you can render
 * the correct interface for the user. Backbone Query can send the number of pages of results to a supplied callback.
 * The callback should be passed as a pager property on the options object. This callback will also receive the
 * sliced models as a second variable.
 * Here is an example of a simple paging setup using the pager callback option:
 * TODO Provide example!
 * Caching Results
 * ---------------
 * To enable caching set the cache flag to true in the options object. This can greatly improve performance when
 * paging through results as the unpaged results will be saved. This options is not enabled by default as if models
 * are changed, added to, or removed from the collection, then the query cache will be out of date. If you know that
 * your data is static and won't change then caching can be enabled without any problems. If your data is dynamic
 * (as in most Backbone Apps) then a helper cache reset method is provided: `reset_query_cache`. This method should
 * be bound to your collections change, add and remove events (depending on how your data can be changed).
 * Cache will be saved in a `_query_cache` property on each collection where a cache query is performed.
 * @example
 * BackboneQuery.find(collection, { likes:{ $gt: 10 } }, { limit: 10, page: 1, cache: true });
 * //The first query will operate as normal and return the first page of results
 * BackboneQuery.find(collection, { likes:{ $gt: 10 } }, { limit:10, page: 2, cache: true });
 * //The second query has an identical query object to the first query, so therefore the results will be retrieved
 * //from the cache, before the paging parameters are applied.
 * // Binding the reset_query_cache method
 * MyCollection extends Backbone.Collection {
 *    initialize() {
 *       this.bind("change", () => { BackboneQuery.resetQueryCache(this) }, this);
 *    }
 * });
export default class BackboneQuery
    * Returns a sorted array of models from the collection that match the query.
    * @param {Collection}  collection  - Target collection
    * @param {string}      query       - Query string
    * @param {Object}      options     - Optional parameters
    * @returns {*}
   static find(collection, query, options = {})
      let models;

      if (options.cache)
         models = s_GET_CACHE(collection, query, options);
         models = s_GET_SORTED_MODELS(collection, query, options);

      if (options.limit)
         models = s_PAGE_MODELS(models, options);

      return models;

    * Returns the first model that matches the query.
    * @param {Collection}  collection  - Target collection
    * @param {string}      query       - Query string
    * @returns {*}
   static findOne(collection, query)
      return BackboneQuery.find(collection, query)[0];

    * Resets the query cache of the target collection.
    * @param {Collection}  collection  - Target collection
   static resetQueryCache(collection)
      collection._queryCache = {};

    * Returns a sorted array of all models from the collection that match the query.
    * @param {Collection}  collection  - Target collection
    * @param {string}      query       - Query string
    * @returns {Array<*>}
   static sortAll(collection, query)
      return s_SORT_MODELS(collection.models, query);

    * Runs a query and returns a new collection with the results. Useful for chaining.
    * @param {Collection}  collection     - Target collection
    * @param {string}      query          - Query string
    * @param {Object}      queryOptions   - Optional parameters for query.
    * @param {Object}      options        - Optional parameters (used to construct the new collection).
    * @returns {Collection}
   static whereBy(collection, query, queryOptions = {}, options = {})
      return new collection.constructor(BackboneQuery.find(collection, query, queryOptions), options);

// Private / internal methods ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

const __slice = [].slice;
const __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;
const __indexOf = [].indexOf || function(item)
    for (let i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++)
       if (i in this && this[i] === item) { return i; }

    return -1;

 * Detects if any value in the array matches a test.
 * @param {Array<*>} array - An array to detect.
 * @param {function} test  - A test function.
 * @returns {boolean}
const s_DETECT = function(array, test)
   let _i, _len, val;

   for (_i = 0, _len = array.length; _i < _len; _i++)
      val = array[_i];
      if (test(val))
         return true;

   return false;

 * Filters an array only adding results that `test` passes.
 * @param {Array<*>} array - An array to filter.
 * @param {function} test  - A test function.
 * @returns {Array<*>}
const s_FILTER = function(array, test)
   const _results = [];
   let _i, _len, val;

   for (_i = 0, _len = array.length; _i < _len; _i++)
      val = array[_i];
      if (test(val))

   return _results;

 * Gets the query cache from a collection.
 * @param {Collection}  collection  - Target collection
 * @param {string}      query       - A query
 * @param {Object}      options     - Optional parameters
 * @returns {*}
const s_GET_CACHE = function(collection, query, options)
   let _ref, cache, models, queryString;
   queryString = JSON.stringify(query);
   cache = (_ref = collection._queryCache) !== null ? _ref : collection._queryCache = {};
   models = cache[queryString];

   if (!models)
      models = s_GET_SORTED_MODELS(collection, query, options);
      cache[queryString] = models;

   return models;

 * Runs a query then sorts the models.
 * @param {Collection}  collection  - Target collection
 * @param {string}      query       - A query
 * @param {Object}      options     - Optional parameters
 * @returns {*}
const s_GET_SORTED_MODELS = function(collection, query, options)
   let models;
   models = s_RUN_QUERY(collection.models, query);

   if (options.sortBy)
      models = s_SORT_MODELS(models, options);

   return models;

 * Tests an item and returns a string representation of the type or `false` if no type matched.
 * @param {*}  item  - Item to test.
 * @returns {string|boolean}
const s_GET_TYPE = function(item)
   if (_.isRegExp(item))
      return '$regex';

   if (_.isDate(item))
      return '$date';

   if (_.isObject(item) && !_.isArray(item))
      return 'object';

   if (_.isArray(item))
      return 'array';

   if (_.isString(item))
      return 'string';

   if (_.isNumber(item))
      return 'number';

   if (_.isBoolean(item))
      return 'boolean';

   if (_.isFunction(item))
      return 'function';

   return false;

 * @param {Array<Model>}   models         -
 * @param {Array<*>}       query          - An array of sub-queries.
 * @param {boolean}        andOr          -
 * @param {function}       filterFunction -
 * @param {string}         itemType       -
 * @returns {*}
const s_ITERATOR = function(models, query, andOr, filterFunction, itemType)
   if (itemType === null)
      itemType = false;

   return filterFunction(models, (model) =>
      let _i, _len, attr, q, test;

      for (_i = 0, _len = query.length; _i < _len; _i++)
         q = query[_i];

         attr = (function()
            switch (itemType)
               case 'elemMatch':
                  return model[q.key];
               case 'computed':
                  return model[q.key]();
                  return model.get(q.key);

         test = s_TEST_MODEL_ATTRIBUTE(q.type, attr);

         if (test)
            test = s_PERFORM_QUERY(q.type, q.value, attr, model, q.key);

         if (andOr === test)
            return andOr;
      return !andOr;

 * @returns {{}|*}
const s_MAKE_OBJ = function()
   let args, current, key, o, val;
   args = 1 <= arguments.length ? __slice.call(arguments, 0) : [];
   o = {};
   current = o;

   while (args.length)
      key = args.shift();
      val = (args.length === 1 ? args.shift() : {});
      current = current[key] = val;

   return o;

 * Pages models
 * @param {Array<Model>}   models   - Array of models to page.
 * @param {Object}         options  - Optional parameters
 * @returns {*}
const s_PAGE_MODELS = function(models, options)
   let end, sliced_models, start, total_pages;

   if (options.offset)
      start = options.offset;
   else if (options.page)
      start = (options.page - 1) * options.limit;
      start = 0;

   end = start + options.limit;
   sliced_models = models.slice(start, end);

   if (options.pager && _.isFunction(options.pager))
      total_pages = Math.ceil(models.length / options.limit);
      options.pager(total_pages, sliced_models);

   return sliced_models;

 * Function to parse raw queries
 * Allows queries of the following forms:
 * query
 * name: "test"
 * id: $gte: 10
 * query [
 *    {name:"test"}
 *    {id:$gte:10}
 * ]
 * @param {*}  rawQuery - raw query
 * @return {array} parsed query
const s_PARSE_SUB_QUERY = function(rawQuery)
   let _i, _len, _results, key, o, paramType, q, query, queryArray, queryParam, type, val, value;

   if (_.isArray(rawQuery))
      queryArray = rawQuery;
      queryArray = (function()
         let _results;
         _results = [];
         for (key in rawQuery)
            if (!__hasProp.call(rawQuery, key)) { continue; }
            val = rawQuery[key];
            _results.push(s_MAKE_OBJ(key, val));
         return _results;

   _results = [];

   for (_i = 0, _len = queryArray.length; _i < _len; _i++)
      query = queryArray[_i];
      for (key in query)
         if (!__hasProp.call(query, key)) { continue; }

         queryParam = query[key];
         o = { key };

         paramType = s_GET_TYPE(queryParam);
         switch (paramType)
            case '$regex':
            case '$date':
               o.type = paramType;
               o.value = queryParam;
            case 'object':
               if (key === '$and' || key === '$or' || key === '$nor' || key === '$not')
                  o.value = s_PARSE_SUB_QUERY(queryParam);
                  o.type = key;
                  o.key = null;
                  for (type in queryParam)
                     value = queryParam[type];
                     if (s_TEST_QUERY_VALUE(type, value))
                        o.type = type;
                        switch (type)
                           case '$elemMatch':
                           case '$relationMatch':
                              o.value = s_PARSE_QUERY(value);
                           case '$computed':
                              q = s_MAKE_OBJ(key, value);
                              o.value = s_PARSE_SUB_QUERY(q);
                              o.value = value;
               o.type = '$equal';
               o.value = queryParam;

         if ((o.type === '$equal') && (paramType === 'object' || paramType === 'array'))
            o.type = '$oEqual';

   return _results;

 * Parses query string.
 * @param {string}   query - A query
 * @returns {*[]}
const s_PARSE_QUERY = function(query)
   let compoundKeys, compoundQuery, key, queryKeys, type, val;
   queryKeys = _(query).keys();
   compoundKeys = ["$and", "$not", "$or", "$nor"];
   compoundQuery = _.intersection(compoundKeys, queryKeys);

   if (compoundQuery.length === 0)
      return [
            type: "$and",
            parsedQuery: s_PARSE_SUB_QUERY(query)
      if (compoundQuery.length !== queryKeys.length)
         if (__indexOf.call(compoundQuery, "$and") < 0)
            query.$and = {};
         for (key in query)
            if (!__hasProp.call(query, key)) { continue; }
            val = query[key];

            if (!(__indexOf.call(compoundKeys, key) < 0)) { continue; }

            query.$and[key] = val;
            delete query[key];

      return (function()
         let _i, _len, _results;
         _results = [];

         for (_i = 0, _len = compoundQuery.length; _i < _len; _i++)
            type = compoundQuery[_i];
               parsedQuery: s_PARSE_SUB_QUERY(query[type])
         return _results;

 * Performs a query
 * @param {string}   type  -
 * @param {*}        value -
 * @param {*}        attr  -
 * @param {*}        model -
 * @returns {*}
const s_PERFORM_QUERY = function(type, value, attr, model)
   switch (type)
      case '$equal':
         if (_(attr).isArray())
            return __indexOf.call(attr, value) >= 0;
            return attr === value;
      case '$oEqual':
         return _(attr).isEqual(value);
      case '$contains':
         return __indexOf.call(attr, value) >= 0;
      case '$ne':
         return attr !== value;
      case '$lt':
         return attr < value;
      case '$gt':
         return attr > value;
      case '$lte':
         return attr <= value;
      case '$gte':
         return attr >= value;
      case '$between':
         return (value[0] < attr && attr < value[1]);
      case '$in':
         return __indexOf.call(value, attr) >= 0;
      case '$nin':
         return __indexOf.call(value, attr) < 0;
      case '$all':
         return _(value).all((item) =>
            return __indexOf.call(attr, item) >= 0;
      case '$any':
         return _(attr).any((item) =>
            return __indexOf.call(value, item) >= 0;
      case '$size':
         return attr.length === value;
      case '$exists':
      case '$has':
         return (attr !== null) === value;
      case '$like':
         return attr.includes(value);
      case '$likeI':
         return attr.toLowerCase().includes(value.toLowerCase());
      case '$regex':
         return value.test(attr);
      case '$cb':
         return value.call(model, attr);
      case '$elemMatch':
         return (s_RUN_QUERY(attr, value, 'elemMatch')).length > 0;
      case '$relationMatch':
         return (s_RUN_QUERY(attr.models, value, 'relationMatch')).length > 0;
      case '$computed':
         return s_ITERATOR([model], value, false, s_DETECT, 'computed');
      case '$and':
      case '$or':
      case '$nor':
      case '$not':
         return (s_PROCESS_QUERY[type]([model], value)).length === 1;
         return false;

 * @type {{$and: Function, $or: Function, $nor: Function, $not: Function}}
   $and: function(models, query, itemType)
      return s_ITERATOR(models, query, false, s_FILTER, itemType);
   $or: function(models, query, itemType)
      return s_ITERATOR(models, query, true, s_FILTER, itemType);
   $nor: function(models, query, itemType)
      return s_ITERATOR(models, query, true, s_REJECT, itemType);
   $not: function(models, query, itemType)
      return s_ITERATOR(models, query, false, s_REJECT, itemType);

 * Creates an array of rejected values of an array that doesn't match a test function.
 * @param {Array<*>} array - An array to reject.
 * @param {function} test  - A test function.
 * @returns {Array<*>}
const s_REJECT = function(array, test)
   const _results = [];
   let _i, _len, val;

   for (_i = 0, _len = array.length; _i < _len; _i++)
      val = array[_i];
      if (!test(val))

   return _results;

 * Runs a query.
 * @param {*}        items    -
 * @param {string}   query    - A query
 * @param {*}        itemType -
 * @returns {*}
const s_RUN_QUERY = function(items, query, itemType)
   let reduceIterator;

   if (!itemType)
      query = s_PARSE_QUERY(query);

   reduceIterator = function(memo, queryItem)
      return s_PROCESS_QUERY[queryItem.type](memo, queryItem.parsedQuery, itemType);

   return _.reduce(query, reduceIterator, items);

 * Sorts models.
 * @param {Array<Model>}   models   -
 * @param {string}         query    - A query
 * @returns {*}
const s_SORT_MODELS = function(models, query)
   if (_(query.sortBy).isString())
      const first = _(models).first();
      if (_.isUndefined(first) || first === null) { return []; }

      const firstValue = first.get(query.sortBy);

      if (_.isString(firstValue))
         models = _(models).sortBy((model) =>
            return model.get(query.sortBy).toLocaleLowerCase();
         models = _(models).sortBy((model) =>
            return model.get(query.sortBy);
   else if (_(query.sortBy).isFunction())
      models = _(models).sortBy(query.sortBy);

   if (query.order === 'desc')
      models = models.reverse();
   else if (query.order === false)
      models = models.reverse();

   return models;

 * Tests a model attribute based on the query type.
 * @param {string}   type  - Query type
 * @param {*}        value - A value
 * @returns {*}
const s_TEST_MODEL_ATTRIBUTE = function(type, value)
   switch (type)
      case '$like':
      case '$likeI':
      case '$regex':
         return _(value).isString();
      case '$contains':
      case '$all':
      case '$any':
      case '$elemMatch':
         return _(value).isArray();
      case '$size':
         return _(value).isArray() || _(value).isString();
      case '$in':
      case '$nin':
         return value !== null;
      case '$relationMatch':
         return (value !== null) && value.models;
         return true;

 * Tests a value based on the query type.
 * @param {string}   type  - Query type
 * @param {*}        value - A value
 * @returns {*}
const s_TEST_QUERY_VALUE = function(type, value)
   switch (type)
      case '$in':
      case '$nin':
      case '$all':
      case '$any':
         return _(value).isArray();
      case '$size':
         return _(value).isNumber();
      case '$regex':
         return _(value).isRegExp();
      case '$like':
      case '$likeI':
         return _(value).isString();
      case '$between':
         return _(value).isArray() && (value.length === 2);
      case '$cb':
         return _(value).isFunction();
         return true;