'use strict';
import Backbone from 'backbone';
import eventbus from 'mainEventbus';
import appState from 'pathSite/js/models/appState.js';
* Provides a basic `Backbone.Router` to route between app states: `all`, `active` & `completed`. When a user
* navigates between these different filter type states `Backbone.history.navigate` is invoked in `App.js->selectFilter`
* to update the navigation history allowing the user to use the back and forward browser controls to navigate the app.
* When a filter type is selected it is referenced in the current URL for the web app. If this URL is navigated to and
* the user is still logged into the app `AppRouter` will set the `AppState` accordingly and `ManageTodosView` will
* appropriately show the `Items` for the current user given the filter state set below. If a user is not logged in
* `App.js` renders the login view and `AppRouter` will replace any route matches with no hash tag.
* Please note that in `App.js->s_INITIALIZE_ROUTES` a default catch all no route callback is specified which handles
* unmatched routes.
export default class AppRouter extends Backbone.Router
* Creates the routes delegated to the given methods specified.
'all': 'all',
'active': 'active',
'completed': 'completed'
* Handles the `all` route. If the user is logged in then `appState` is set to `all` otherwise the route is
* replaced in the browser history with no route.
if (eventbus.triggerFirst('app:user:is:current'))
appState.set({ filter: 'all' });
Backbone.history.navigate('', { replace: true });
* Handles the `active` route. If the user is logged in then `appState` is set to `active` otherwise the route is
* replaced in the browser history with no route.
if (eventbus.triggerFirst('app:user:is:current'))
appState.set({ filter: 'active' });
Backbone.history.navigate('', { replace: true });
* Handles the `completed` route. If the user is logged in then `appState` is set to `completed` otherwise the route
* is replaced in the browser history with no route.
if (eventbus.triggerFirst('app:user:is:current'))
appState.set({ filter: 'completed' });
Backbone.history.navigate('', { replace: true });