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'use strict';

import Backbone   from 'backbone';

import Item       from 'pathSite/js/models/Item.js';

 * This module defines a `Backbone.Collection` which stores todos `Items` and provides utility methods to filter, sort,
 * and retrieve the next order number used to sort `Items`. Instead of exporting the class itself an instance of the
 * the class is exported. This allows the instance to be imported anywhere access to the collection is necessary.
 * Multiple views may access this instance, but in this demo only `ManageTodosView` displays data from the collection.
 * Please note that the Parse.Query is generated in `App.js` during user login using the current user ID to retrieve
 * `Items` associated with the current user.
class TodoList extends Backbone.Collection
    * Reference to this collection's model.
    * @returns {Item}
   get model() { return Item; }

    * Todos are sorted by their original insertion order.
    * @param {Item} item - item model.
    * @returns {number}
      return item.get('order');

    * Filter down the list of all todos items that are finished.
    * @returns {*}
      return this.filter((item) => { return item.get('done'); });

    * We keep the todos Items in sequential order, despite being saved by unordered GUID in the database. This
    * generates the next order number for new items.
    * @returns {number}
      if (!this.length) { return 1; }
      return this.last().get('order') + 1;

    * Filter down the list to only todos items that are still not finished.
    * @returns {*}
      return this.without(...this.done());

 * Exports an instance of TodoList.
export default new TodoList();